Tuesday, December 7, 2010

editing cont'd

Over the weekend, I have been working with the star image and possible variations of the logo as well as working on different materials such as the design on the uniform and recruitment postcards.

I'm still exploring this shape, and possibly working with other shapes while still conveying a theme of collaboration. I feel I am making progress on this, but right now I am not seeing one design that screams rising stars. I also might try working with the star that has multiple overlapping circles and see how I can possibly tweak that into a logo.

1 comment:

  1. Jayme, I like the new logo treatments you did today. My favorites so far are the first two on the second row--the second looks most like a star to me, and the first looks a bit like a human figure, which might be a slight visual pun between "star" and "small baseball player." I think you're getting closer.

    Have you experiemented with different colors?
