Saturday, February 19, 2011


This week, I spent adapting these images for posters and looking to work with a dual-tone as a background. I am also thinking of creating a pattern as texture with baseball equipment and other baseball items. Next week I am looking to edit the images of the people so the lines can be smooth, create different textures of the background. I am looking to go along the theme of using the logo in the phrase, as huddle up.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


This week, I was working with the phrase UP and creating images that can go along with phrases.

Next week, I am looking to create more action images. I'm not so sure if I like the plain background. I've been looking at texture for backgrounds and like the pattern I am making with the grass and dirt, this seems a little more expressive than what I have been making.

Friday, February 4, 2011

poster series

here are the posters that I displayed for critique. during the week I was thinking of phrases that I could illustrate for the poster.

-I have the courage to speak in class
-I can do 20 push-ups
-I have new role models
-I have new friends that have my back
-I speak my voice now without what others will think
-I love being part of a team
-I now have the confidence to ask for help when I’m stuck
-I never want to let my coaches down
-I can focus more in class
-I want to be just like
-I don't want to let my coaches down
-I am motivated and don't want to give up
-what would my coach suggest?
-I can learn from my mistakes
-I want to do well in school
-I don't want to quit
-My coaches really care about my success
-Without UP!, I never would have met Raoul.

- The coaches with UP! are entirely motivating -- teaching my son healthy ways to compete.
-I always wanted my son to find his niche in life
-my son's passion is baseball
-my son has tremendous male role models in his life
-mike can't wait for his next practice
-my daughter has a goal
-the quality of my son's homework has improved
-the coaches have been a strong positive role model in my daughter's life
-my daughter is making friends more easily

-I can still incorporate the sport of baseball in my life
-I see the kids in a new light

From the feedback I received, the posters didn't seem connected. Now I'm looking to use phrases that have the word up.

my initial list:
batter up
wake up
eat up
Speak Up
Get Up
Stay Up
Be Up
Stand Up
Always Up
Up, Up and Away
Up we go
Looking Up
Growing Up
Mentally Up
Gearing Up
Showing Up
Keeping Up
Keep Up
Never Give Up
Totally Up
Setting Up