Friday, October 29, 2010

week 8: logos

I primarily focused on sketching logo designs for my fictional sports organization focusing on baseball and softball this week. With what I came up with was pretty literal with the titles relating to baseball terms. Now I have decided to focus on the name rising stars and continue creating logos for the organization. Elly suggested some links for me to look at relating to logos. I enjoyed these logos and seeing some unconventional ways logos are designed. 5 hours

Also I met with a producer at WOLV tv, the television channel that runs throughout the dorms, on Wednesday. At first I didn't know what I want to focus on so I contacted a variety of organizations and now some of them are getting back to me at different rates. After the meeting I wasn't so sure if I wanted to go this route I wanted to focus on creating graphics for the variety tv programs that are shown on WOLV in the dorms. After talking to Erica and Amanda they suggested to focus on one project, since if I wanted to work on both, i probably would not focus on the larger issue. I decided not to focus on wolv tv as I am more interested in creating a fictional sports organization. 1 hour

As I move forward, I plan to look at different sports organizations as inspiration for names. From all the names I thought of the best one to continue on would be rising stars. I'm going to continue creating logos for that organization and straying away from the literalness of a star as the logo.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

week 7: organizing

This past week, I gathered all my materials, conducted more research and created a guide that I emailed to Tyrone at Common Bond. In this guide, I included the mission statement, keywords, shape analysis, color swatches and a modification of the logo and some alternative fonts. 7 hours

Tyrone was fine with everything except the logo. He doesn't wanted that tweaked at all. I was disappointed because even with a few corrections the logo could look better. Then, I decided to continue with editing the logo, for my own purposes and started sketching some ideas.

Now I'm starting to think that I don't want to continue with Common Bond Basketball. The client does not care what designs I submit and doesn't want any adjustments to the logo, and I feel that needs to be changed. So I decided to tweak my direction.

I'm looking to create my own professional sports team for sports that are not extremely high-profiled: field hockey, rugby, lacrosse to name a few. I've been drawn to the NBA Carolina bobcats identity process and coming up with the name, logo down to designing other mediums such as the equipment, and the uniforms-- it seems as their are plenty of opportunities for me in areas of design. With these designs, similar to Common Bond Basketball would be to promote attendance at the games and awareness to this new team. The audience would be a wide range, from people of all ages who play
lacrosse to the spectators who attend the games.

I did a little bit of research and there are 6 teams in the Major League Lacrosse and now I'm thinking of creating a "fantasy" and a new addition to the league.

I know I have been trying to figure out whether I would like to design for a client or design for myself. I also am waiting to hear back from someone at WOLV-tv, the television channel that can be viewed in the dorms and possibly producing graphics for them. This will give me a chance to work with a client.

Next week, I plan to continue researching and making sketches for a different sports teams by brainstorming possible locations and names of a team. I also plan to sketch the logos and create color studies.

Friday, October 15, 2010

week 6

This week I spent a majority of my time tweaking my proposal, and journaling my thoughts relating to sports. 4 hours

I also spent my time sketching ideas that I sent to Tyrone Hicks the Director of Common Bond Basketball as well as reading about the psychology in team sports. 2 hours. Below are some initial drafts. 2 hours

Next week I plan to make connect with Tyrone and here feedback from the sketches. I also plan to attend some of the practices and get a feel of the company from the kids perspective as well as making shape and color studies as well as exploring different kinds of folding techniques.

Friday, October 8, 2010

week 5: follow up

I started out this week by continuing my research: looking for any opportunities that I could find with student organizations for possible design work. I emailed different people such as a film and engineering professor, the alumni association and LSA student government and am still waiting back to hear from them. I also followed up with the Pilates Studio from last week and have had no success so far. 3 hours

I also did some online research of design companies that have sports teams as clients such as GamePlan Creative. This studio created the design of the NBA team Charlotte Bobcats. I found a brand identity and reviewed the brainstorm list of possible team names to initial sketches of the logo to uniform designs to the creation of a mascot. This continued my interest with brand identity and I sketched what inspired me. 2 hours

On Thursday I met with the president of Common Bond Basketball, Tyrone Hicks. This non-profit company has 6 events throughout the year and I plan to market and create the distinct designs for all of the events. Hicks is most concerned about the brochures since that is his most effective marketing piece compared to flyers or email blasts. I’m excited about this avenue and it seems I have a lot of freedom with this project. Here are my initial sketches 1.5 hours

For next week I plan to research more designers, continue sketching my ideas for the first event for Common Bond, a 10-week league and tournament called Power League, and finish my proposal!