Friday, October 29, 2010

week 8: logos

I primarily focused on sketching logo designs for my fictional sports organization focusing on baseball and softball this week. With what I came up with was pretty literal with the titles relating to baseball terms. Now I have decided to focus on the name rising stars and continue creating logos for the organization. Elly suggested some links for me to look at relating to logos. I enjoyed these logos and seeing some unconventional ways logos are designed. 5 hours

Also I met with a producer at WOLV tv, the television channel that runs throughout the dorms, on Wednesday. At first I didn't know what I want to focus on so I contacted a variety of organizations and now some of them are getting back to me at different rates. After the meeting I wasn't so sure if I wanted to go this route I wanted to focus on creating graphics for the variety tv programs that are shown on WOLV in the dorms. After talking to Erica and Amanda they suggested to focus on one project, since if I wanted to work on both, i probably would not focus on the larger issue. I decided not to focus on wolv tv as I am more interested in creating a fictional sports organization. 1 hour

As I move forward, I plan to look at different sports organizations as inspiration for names. From all the names I thought of the best one to continue on would be rising stars. I'm going to continue creating logos for that organization and straying away from the literalness of a star as the logo.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jayme-

    Now that you've decided your direction- I'm excited to see some of the images you've created. I also want to talk to you about the logos you like, and specifically why. Which of the ones you posted avoids the "literalness" that the rising star has? I want to see some of the great logos that you've found online - and we can talk about what you're drawn to. What are you going for: Explosive? Heartfelt? Motivational? Do you know what kind of response you're trying to evoke? Have you thought about translating your adjectives into design sketches? I'm not sure if you work this way or not- so it'd be great to talk about it.

    I think the three of us (you, me, Erica) had a great talk on Thursday- and I'm excited to see what came of it.

    Wanna chat tomorrow afternoon?
