Friday, January 7, 2011

second semester

From the feedback, one point I need to think about is having a real-life client and making the concept more realistic. I need to think who this organization is created by, the government or a grass roots organization. Another part I need to think about is the audience and who will be viewing the promotional materials and have the designs resemble the look and feel.

I also reconsidered possible names and logos for the organization.

1 comment:

  1. Jayme,
    It sounds like you got some great feedback. How is the beginning of the semester going? I would love to meet up with you next week and see how things are moving along.

    Small detail- I saw on your last posting that you were planning on dividing the groups up my age and skill level... by separating ages and skill levels, you might be missing opportunities for the children to be teachers and students to each other- this might be a necessary reason for communication and camaraderie within the teams.

    On the new designs- These seem much more focused on text again. I feel like we're sliding back into the challenge of last semester- again dealing with picking the name and the logo to go with the name. Have you given more thought toward your audience - and also toward making the concept more realistic (as you said above)?

    Let's keep talking-
