Thursday, January 13, 2011


The first part of the week was spent finishing my thesis and further establishing a name and logo for the youth baseball organization. I decided to continue working on logos for the name UP! next week I am working on making small adjustments to the logo and figuring out if I want to incorporate some additional text to say the UP is a youth baseball organization. Maybe it's not necessary. 5 hours

I also worked on possible campaigns for the recruiting posters or postcards for the middle schoolers who would participate in the organization as well as the parents. One campaign I was thinking about that would be geared towards the kids is creating emoticons out of baseball equipment. This seems appealing to kids because they are constantly on their phones. Another idea I had was to create testimonials by the kids for the kids talking about their likes of baseball and their positive experience through UP. For the promtional material directed to the parents, I am looking to highlight what the effects sports can translate in the kid's lives. 3 hours

Next week I'm looking to continue working on my designs. From the feedback I received, I am looking to add more images to the promotional materials and think of phrases for the posters and postcards.

1 comment:

  1. Jayme, you've already heard a fair amount from me this semester, so I won't add much here. I just want to re-emphasize that I think you've got the makings of a couple of really fun poster series here. Just keep the text short and punchy, and think about eahc poster as a pairing of text and image--emoticons, photos, whatever. It looks like it's going to be fun to play around with.
