Saturday, March 19, 2011

poster series

this week, was spent creating more posters as a part of my series and making them more unified as a series.

Yesterday, Bonnie and Emily, from Number 17 reviewed my progress. Overall they liked the images, but I am not so sure that they are convinced that they are for teens. I'm not so sure what I can do to change it. They also said the logo was to hard to read and not convincing for the organization--I'm looking to change that next week. This weekend, I worked on creating a new look for the logo. I worked on incorporating the exclamation point with the negative space in the letter "p". Bonnie and Emily told me my posters read like I was shouting the word batter, sign, meet, etc and up was soft, and didnt match together. These are my first ideas, do you think these would appear to be more youthful than before?

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