Monday, March 14, 2011

small changes

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jayme,

    The colors in these are really starting to pop! The colors in the "Rise Up" poster are not quite as bright and vibrant as the other ones though. The green and the jersey color seem to have too much grey in them and not enough of that vibrancy that you are achieving in your other posters.

    The other comment that I have is that the taglines are not working yet. You need a full sentence as the tagline rather than sentence fragments like "to meet new friends" that complete the phrase "Show Up!" So instead, think of something like "Show Up!" tagline: "Team softball is a great way to make new friends!" or "Softball season is just around the corner!" or something to that affect. The tagline is a way for you to provide a little information about the UP! group while playing off of these two word phrases. Keep chugging away!
