Monday, September 20, 2010

Cadbury Chocolates

I am really drawn to the advertising campaign for Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolates. The advertising agency Fallon, which is headquartered in Minneapolis along with offices around the world, was responsible for the entire campaign. Fallon took the approach with this advertising campaign to showcase the ad in an unconventional way; the commercials were for mainly for entertainment purposes that would be posted on the web through viral marketing and spread via word of mouth. In both of these commercials their message didn’t directly relate to the product, but instead the message of the commercial relates to the entire experience of eating Cadbury Chocolates. The audience will hopefully be joyfully watching these videos, which should be the same feeling they would experience when they are eating a Cadbury Chocolate bar. Both of the ads seemed memorable and with its catchy tunes the notes continued to linger in my head even after viewing the advertisement. I can picture these ads being passed on through word of mouth because of the unique topic.

In both of these commercials they didn’t directly relate to the product, but the message of the commercial relates to the message of eating Cadbury Chocolates. The audience should be joyful watching these videos just as eating a Cadbury Chocolate bar. Both of the ads seemed memorable and last in my head even after viewing the advertisement. I can picture these ads being passed on through word of mouth because of the unique topic.

One part of marketing a product is to be creative and take different avenues in the way that the audience would view the ad. The whole concept of producing commercials for the web is a relatively new medium with the technology always expanding. Advertising companies always need to keep thinking of how to improve, how to set new boundaries, and hopefully being the ringleader in exploring new horizons and establishing new trends. Creating new messages is exactly what Fallon has done so successfully for Cadbury Chocolates and the audience will appreciate this when viewing their YouTube ads. This can relate to the actual message of the product or how the ad is viewed. It appears as though the ads were fun to make and it shows from the final product, which I responded positively too. I also included a print ad from the campaign. Even the tagline “Glass Half Full” has a positive connotation to it, tying the whole positive connection together. The contemporary feel of this ad, with its clean, fresh, modern approach white on white textured, fun, and artsy feel of the milk gives the entire ad a sense of excitement.

Fallon also works with many other clients. One of their popular television commercials was for Citi Bank dealing with their Identity Theft advertisements. Again, this advertisement stuck out in my mind because of the odd combination of the older man and the voice of a younger woman. This ad agency continues to try new approaches to advertising; they are extremely creative with its efforts to not repeat things they have already seen but have the confidence to be different from current advertising messages.

I am definitely inspired by the results of Fallon. From the outcome of the advertisements they are entertaining and make me smile and laugh. I think humor and/or happiness are great aspects to add in a project. It always helps to enjoy the process from start to completion and it would be great to experience similar emotions as I work on my IP project. Even though I do not know the exact outcome of my project I want people to have the same positive reaction to my project, similar to what I felt when I viewed these advertisements. I would like to expand with new mediums and pay attention to trends.

1 comment:

  1. You have identified a mood, that is exemplified in the Fallon ads, that you would like to work with. This is a good start and an important element in your process. I can easily imagine that you would want to incorporate a mood of liveliness, humor and fun in a project that has to do with sports. I wonder though how this fits into the competitive nature of sports and the often obsessively driven and ambitious element in sports culture. Is the lighter side something that you would like to promote? Perhaps in the local sports communities? I’ll be eager to see what turns up in your contacts with local sports non-profits.
