Thursday, September 23, 2010

week 3

I started this week making sketches of possible ideas that come to mind when I began researching and brainstorming the non-profit sports company Common Bond Basketball. and the research from the website. 3 hours

I also continued reading about the history of the Olympics. I researched artists and was really drawn to the designer Otl Aicher, who was a lead designer for the Munich Olympics. Aicher's background also included doing branding for the airline Lufthansa. 2 hours

Today, I met with John Keith, the Recreation Superintendent of the Rec Center. I had the opportunity to learn about the Rec Center's history and its current mission. When the Rec Center opened in 1981, it was strictly an adult fitness facility. But over the years, as they discovered what needs the community was seeking, they expanded to offer fitness to all age levels and to make fitness easier for working parents, they also started to provide childcare. The rec center's mission now is to improve the quality in people’s life by programs and facilities 1.5 hours

I am planning to continue to research local companies with the hopes of also meeting with a contact person at each location. I enjoy learning firsthand about their company's history and their mission going forward. With the info I find, I hope to continue to learn about their industry, past, present and future goals and hopefully will also be able to work on new ideas and sketches to will tie their ideas together.

1 comment:

  1. Jayme-

    I'm glad your taking the initiative to look for a project. Do you like meeting with these people? How has it gone? Do you get inspired when you're talking to people about their organization?

    What specifically were you drawn to in Otl Aicher's work? Use of color, form, text, his compositions? Let's get specific- this helps narrow down what kind of design you find compelling.

    Are you going to be working with the rec. center? Are you thinking about designing for all these organizations that you meet with, or is this just helping you find one that you will focus on? Maybe putting the designs all together in a project about local organizations interested in youth physical education? I'm interested in your topic- let's keep talking!

