Thursday, September 16, 2010


This week I want to focus on creating my own visual identity of the 2020 Olympic games. I enjoyed having the freedom to explore themes relating to Philadelphia and want to continue my research on different cities around the world that could possibly host the Olympics years to come. As of now I see this project as creating the ideas, coming up with cities, doing historical research on all facets of the proposed themes, develop specific logos, branding and provide a marketing plan for each location.

The target audience would include all sports fan. I realize that some people are only interested in watching and cheering on specific sports while others like the competitive environment, no matter which athletic challenge is taking place at the moment. Creating interest and excitement in highlighting all countries, their teams, their athletes and following their story, their sport and their rise to the top will build the desire to see how all the competitive action takes place during the heat of the battle.

research at Duderstate and Undergraduate Library: 2 hours
sketching: 4 hours

I want to continue researching proposed locations: look at location over the past 100 years, offer areas that are many times overlooked; plead cases for those unsung heroes. Then find out historical facts about these areas, create ideas for themes, logos, branding, art history facts and incorporating the details. I’m interested in researching the history of the Olympics and meaning behind the symbols used.

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