Thursday, September 30, 2010

week 4: contacts

My focus this week has been on seeking out local sports organizations in the Michigan area with the hopes of providing them with some ideas and assistance in revamping their image, develop a marketing campaign and help them expand their exposure in their community. During this week I sent emails to a large variety of youth sports organization such as baseball, tennis, basketball, sailing, volleyball and gymnastics. Once I hear back from some of these groups, my plan is to see if they would like some volunteer help with their marketing campaign. If so, I will then schedule a time to meet with them to begin my research. I have connected with a non-profit basketball organization in Ypsilanti, called Common Bond Basketball and am planning on having our first conversation with them tomorrow. I am looking forward meeting with them and learning about their history and directions for the future. If they want to create a new image, I would like to work with them in developing their design proposal.
3 hours

I have contacted Pilates Midwest, which is a two instructor Pilates studio located in Northern Michigan. Pilates Midwest is looking to promote their upcoming event called Pink Ribbon Program, a program to help women who are recovering breast cancer surgeries with Pilates lessons. They are looking for a postcard design and it would be a great opportunity for me to help them out by combining their look and feel into a direct mailing piece.
1 hour

I am also taking a step back, and trying figure out a way to incorporate many of passions, which include sports as well as television, fashion, traveling and event planning. After talking to Erica & Amanda it might interesting to combine different topics and see where my project can go. Now I am trying to figure out where these ideas can overlap for my concept. I am also continuing reading the history of the Olympics to get an fuller understanding of planning major sports event planning.
2 hours

Next week: I plan to focus on incorporating more of my ideas and coming up with a concept as well as collecting information and details in order to begin rough layouts for designing the postcard for Pilates Midwest. I also hope to work on a visual identity for Common Bond Basketball. I can see many possibilities for the organization’s logo and it would be great to show those designs to the leaders of the group.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of creating a concept proposal from scratch, based on bringing your own ideas together. I'm a little confused whether you're headed completely in this direction. Are you reaching out to local organizations as research only? Are you thinking of designing postcards etc. for them as a kind of side project?

    If you do work with local groups, be wary of designing specific images/logos for them before you talk to them. You won't be able to really design for them until you do.

    In the studio on Thursday, you seemed pretty excited about the idea of creating your own concept, so it makes sense for that to be where your energy goes. Looking at the interests above, it'd be tough to bring all of those into a single project, but choosing a few that go well together would be fun.
